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Social Enterprise
making a difference one day at a time

We believe that by inspiring young people and young adults to achieve their own goals with life choices has a positive effect.
We continually challenge public perceptions by bringing together our participants and members of the public with the aim of creating community spirit. We want to bring positive changes so that those who are discriminated against are treated equally and fairly so they have the same opportunities in life as everyone else. We promote collective pride to create a better society for all.
We do this by constantly find innovative ways of delivering our services.
One of our models of good practice are the Social Enterprise Programme our young adults can get involved in and gain valuable work experience, these include:
Food trailer -Selling food and refreshments including crepes and candy floss
Positive Paws - Making, packaging and selling homemade dog biscuits
Hanwell Preserves - Growing and harvesting produce then making preserving then selling Jam's & chutneys they have made
Chocolicious Artisan Chocolate - Making and packaging homemade chocolates
Pedal Power - Delivering workshops around eating more fruit and veg, taking Smoothie bike into the community.
More Tea Darling - providing high tea in the community as well as learning Barista skills served from our own coffee van
All offer young people an opportunity to develop skills in making marketing and selling produce adding value to their CV and getting them work ready while building on their independent so they can live in the community in the way they choose.
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